วันเสาร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


On Monday, I saw Jutarat. She is my friend. She likes to listen music by mp3. She likes to listened loud voice. I leaded in the girls book that it have a warning. I told her that it not good for her health. The warning from deaf organization of America for the guy that them always listened the music all times. For example, listened from Mp3 and the most importance that it is violence for you. If you want a bar every night. From the research about 90% that who want bar every night. Them had a buzzing in the ears in the next morning. If them always had condition like that. May be them had a deaf forever. In the book told the technic for who love music ,D.J., who stay or working in the bar.
1. If listen the music all the times should stop for 5 minus every hour. For the ears have a rest.
2. Stand or stay far from loudspeaker when you want the bar or concert.
3. Change your condition from dance to sitting.
4. Should to have cotton for bloke in your ear. For who working in the bar.
I asked Jutarat that the level of voice. However, we should listen not over 80 decibel.
Jutarat fear the impact from loud voice. She told me. She have to change her behavior.
I will send this tips to my another friends my E- mail. I think people in the present day love to listen Mp3 very much. Do not talk anything with another one.
