วันเสาร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Global warming

In the present day , the weather become hot than in the past. I saw the music video of Linkin Park. It is the music video of
“ What I've done”. It have a image that it is a image in Thailand. When I saw the music I am not pound. The music want to tell something that we had did. For example, in the music have the image of a factory burn something and have a dark smoke. However, in Thailand have a problem about traffic jam. It is the reason making global warming. In the news, I head the news report about around the world have a problem about the weather. Some country in Europe have storm. Some country have flood or snow.
In the news report about the method for reduce global warming.
In Thailand , should reduce to use the cars in the road. Should to use the bus or Bts. I think in Thailand is hot and every house have air-condtion. In the news report about the fan that it release hot weather in the room. It have some chemistry in the air-condition make global warming. Every where in Thailand have air-condition specially in the company. There use it too long times. I start to do for save the word. I think it is easy method to do. If we are wake up early or turn off the air in the morning.
