วันเสาร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


On Monday, I saw Jutarat. She is my friend. She likes to listen music by mp3. She likes to listened loud voice. I leaded in the girls book that it have a warning. I told her that it not good for her health. The warning from deaf organization of America for the guy that them always listened the music all times. For example, listened from Mp3 and the most importance that it is violence for you. If you want a bar every night. From the research about 90% that who want bar every night. Them had a buzzing in the ears in the next morning. If them always had condition like that. May be them had a deaf forever. In the book told the technic for who love music ,D.J., who stay or working in the bar.
1. If listen the music all the times should stop for 5 minus every hour. For the ears have a rest.
2. Stand or stay far from loudspeaker when you want the bar or concert.
3. Change your condition from dance to sitting.
4. Should to have cotton for bloke in your ear. For who working in the bar.
I asked Jutarat that the level of voice. However, we should listen not over 80 decibel.
Jutarat fear the impact from loud voice. She told me. She have to change her behavior.
I will send this tips to my another friends my E- mail. I think people in the present day love to listen Mp3 very much. Do not talk anything with another one.

Global warming

In the present day , the weather become hot than in the past. I saw the music video of Linkin Park. It is the music video of
“ What I've done”. It have a image that it is a image in Thailand. When I saw the music I am not pound. The music want to tell something that we had did. For example, in the music have the image of a factory burn something and have a dark smoke. However, in Thailand have a problem about traffic jam. It is the reason making global warming. In the news, I head the news report about around the world have a problem about the weather. Some country in Europe have storm. Some country have flood or snow.
In the news report about the method for reduce global warming.
In Thailand , should reduce to use the cars in the road. Should to use the bus or Bts. I think in Thailand is hot and every house have air-condtion. In the news report about the fan that it release hot weather in the room. It have some chemistry in the air-condition make global warming. Every where in Thailand have air-condition specially in the company. There use it too long times. I start to do for save the word. I think it is easy method to do. If we are wake up early or turn off the air in the morning.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

The Betrayer boy

All week, I felt sad. I were sad about my boy friend. I sad because he do not interested to me. His name is Betrayer boy. I would like to call him like that. Two months ago until to day I cried every nigh. I felt sad because he would like to do a work. His work is sell a good that it is a good from America. His work is to search a partner. He have to use the time that he have to talks with another one. Before, he did the work. He said to me about his time that he can separate all time for me. He said to me. He did the work for me.

Now, He did the work. He for get me. All the time that he said to me. He can separate for me. The work have to bring some one who interested in the work. To listen some thing that who can successes in the work to told. When I and Betrayer boy have argument about he do not interested to me. He for get me. He discussed me about the work that it used the long time. He told me the work can makes him rich in the future. He told me. If I want to stay with he in future. I should to waiting him. My friends had gone to listen that it is similar like his job. My friend told me that it have psychology. I told with Betray boy about this but he did not to listen me. The important reason that he did not listen to me. He need money. He said to me. We will rich and do not the work.

He thinks I do not understand him. Finally, he said to me if he did not have me. He still doing to the future. I think I am not importance person. All the word that he said I think he do for himself. I never had to said with him that you should to stop. I never said like that. I think if he did work for me. He have to said ″ If I not have you no reason to do this work ″ I think this word very clear. It mean he will did work for me only. Actually, he confesses to me. If some girl to be his wife. He would to take care very well.
I think some anyone not me.

All things that he thinks. He can separate time. He can not do any thing exempt his job .He always angry to me when he does not read the text books. He used the time for job is extra. He used the time for reading the books is less. He used the time for me is non. I would like him more used the time for me from non change to less. I think it is better for me. He said just one word ″I do not understand him″. About his family, he can not to bring his sister back to home. His family do not agree with him. His family think our family not poor. You should study because it is your duty right now.

He thinks I am is a problem person. I think I am not change myself anything. He is only one to changed himself. I need only take care for him. He not love me. I still love him. I felt sad. While, I am writing the story I was cried. I should to stronger than to day.
I should to do some thing. Now , I am sick. I am sick because I cried in the nigh and thinking about my boy friend. I slept a few hour. I was reading a book when I was waiting he call to me. I was still alive.

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550



On Wednesday every week, I go to Siam to lean English at ECC institution. I like to talk with English teacher. In this week, I am talking about Jatrukham with teacher. My teacher his name is Adam. He knew about Jatrukham very well because he stayed at Puket before. Puket is a province in the south of Thailand. The south of Thailand is the first place to produce the Jatrukham. I told him that I saw in news paper to report English tourists to hang Jatrukham. English tourists do not hang just one item like ordinary people. I think they are funny men. I hear the T.V. program that doctor warning about impact from hang Jatrukham.

The doctor said to every people who love Jatrukham that they should hang Jatrukham just one item. If you hang than one item your neck bone will have problem. I am talking with Adam that Thai people believed in miracle very much. I said to him that the miraculous thing to happen with who love Jatrukham. For example, I saw to prove power the Jatrukham in the T.V. I think it is amazing and can′t to prove. They allowed the monk to cut them back that them back is not have a blood.

Adam said to me about Jatrukham at Puket that he heard some story. The man who is drank alcohol. He said to his friend about power of Jatrukham. He allowed his friend to cut his body because he believe in power of jatrukham to helped and protect him.Then the man who have jatrukham. He dead because his friend killed him. Adam thinks the man very stupid. I laugh and I agree with him. I think in present day many have people to crazy Jatrukham. I think they do not believe under Lord Buddha idea.Even though the miraculous thing it is real to happen. I think some thing that it can prove. It is stable idea to bring to use in your life.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

On Monday 12 August, My university is not close. It 's mother's day. I was still studied like the day is ordinary day. Every year my family and my cousin would stay together in my grand mother home. We would celebrate with my grand mother every year. My grand mother home had a party to celebrate and to respect my mother and my grand mother. Every children brought the jasmine to mother. In the party have a delicious food and karaoke. Karaoke is the favorite sing a song in my family. My mother loves to sing a song by karaoke.

Since, I am studied at Assumption University. I never want back to my home in the mother's day that it's 2 years ago. Assumption University never close in mother day except Father's day and Marry christmas's day. Every my cousin asked my mother about me because they did not saw me in the party. I am sad to miss the mother's day party because I didn't see my cousin in long time ago.

I am thinking of my mother. I want to enjoy in the party with my family. In the night , I had dinner alone in my house. I saw the T.V. government program that they were on-air about celebrate mother's day. The mother's day celebrate by government to take the light on the candle. I think all four years that I was studied at Assumption University. I have to stay alone in mother's day.

I Love YOu

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Dangerous man

In morning on Thursday, I saw woman to woman program on chanal 3 that they talking about female only. They talking about a woman in the company that she annoyed with a colleague in the company. The colleague he is a man that he older than her. He is friendly that some time he love to touch some organic in her body or other her colleague. All her friends that the man touched they are woman only. The woman to woman program to told all woman looker that it very dangerous for them. Suddenly, I think to my faculty that a boy he is third years in law faculty. He love to talk with the girl in faculty. He love to touch the girl and some time he speak some ugly word. My friend had said to me about him that he is dangerous man and should stay away from him.

I never think about him before because I think my friends may be misunderstand about his behavior. Now, I saw woman to woman program to report woman company case that it makes me fear dangerous social. By the way, woman company said the man colleague in the company love to touch their organic such as, touching earlobe, take his stomach to touch her arm, standing above her body want to see inside her blouse. The woman company said some her friend that the man colleague take his hand to touch her neck. I think it is impolite and Thai woman love body themselves.

By the way ,in present day the boy in my faculty nobody to said with him especially the girl not love and fear him. My friend is a boy do not like him because he is impolite man and my friends do not to respect him. In my experience about the boy in my faculty that he had touched my arm and he touch my arm very fastest. He makes me angry. Now, I do not say ″hello″ or walking near him. I think if someone touch my gold that it is high cost for me. I do not like he or she because I love my gold that if my gold is my body and somebody touched it over and over is not good.

Heavy bag

Today , I see that Yutchai carry big bag and he complain to me about his books of his bag. He say to me that it is makes his shoulder ache. I suggest to him that he should not carried bag or he should not carry sling side bag. Sling side bag would made his shoulder bone have problem that I had read in the Cheewajit book about bone problem and body shape problem. Yutchai told to me that he have backache, neck ache, shoulder ache. I told him about five practice that I had read in the book to help him.

The first, when you carried bag I told that him try to straight walking. His head and his shoulder should straight always walking. You should exchange to carry bag that it difference weigh or size.

If you carried bag should carry it on both shoulder. Don′t hung on some shoulder or just one side because it makes you incline body and makes you have a backache and shoulder ache. Yutchai told me some time ,he have a headache.

Pull your bag to in front of your body for make it close to your back. If it sling of bag is not taut that it s reason make your have a neck ache. Organize or arrange the most heavily to under your bag and make it close to your body. The weigh of bag is opportunity should be about 10-15% of your body weigh. The most important I told Yutchai that he should put least things in his bag. You should selected important things only for him health.

I saw Thai student love to carried heavy bag that I think it wrong. It make younger Thai student have bone problem or make their low. I had carried like that because I didn′t know disadvantage before. I told with Yutchai about his primary school. Yutchai told me,he had not carried heave bag in his primary school because his bag did not have any book. He is lazy boy. The lazy reason , now Yutchai′re tall because he had not to carried heave bag.