วันจันทร์ที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

World history

In semester, I am study word civilization subject. I thinks this subject very interesting but word civilization subject a lot of subject matter so it makes me boring when I was studied in class. I am studied about Indian ,Chiness , Egypt, Greec and Roman civilization so I knows many things in the past and now we develop from it. Teacher teach about each civilization and every student suspect some civilization about what is country in present or some civilization where are there set up . I am interest in about history in Asia because I thinks is easier to image or see in present. For example that I see in present at Ubonrastanee have a wall cave that it′ s a painting in the history period that tell story about hunting or to be live of Prehistory people that there record about how they lived in stone period and make people in present day understand about they lived. I saw wall cave at Ubonrastanee , I thinks very amazing and interesting that the wall cave was made in long time ago but the stone still have colour painting. Asia civilization many have story to lean that one thing I suspect and interesting is about religion among Thailand and China that I get the answer from word civilization subject.

In Thailand is Hinnayan or little vehicle that very strict in holy text but in China is Mahayan or the big vehicle that not strict in holy text or up to situation in a day. The reason that I suspect because in China is Buddhism same in Thailand but not belive in lord Buddha and belive in god that different in section. I interest in Chiness civilization because I always go to China and I had seen some history in China that teacher teach in class and I easy to understand that how it is. Teacher had gave a question to student in class is Which are the civilization do you want to lived if you are history people? I answer Chiness civilization because China have a lot of land to live and have many Chiness people that I thinks it may be fun or happy because food or sound language is different. Chiness have legacy history that ancestor build in the past but in the past people hate to made or angry the king to order them because it′s made a lot of Chiness death.

In present every chiness so proud that it is “ The great wall ” that when you go to space or the moon you can see the great wall that it build in Ch′in Shin Huang Ti or Ch′in empire. Ch′in empire is famous and connacted with Thailand in long time ago that the begin Thai people call China is Cheen that change the voice from Ch′in. I lean word civilization I don′t just lean Asia civilization only but I interest in Roman civilization too because Assumption university is international university many have building that they are copied from Roman style or Italy to build like Catholic style. Before I not yet to study this subject I don′t know about the hall in my university and now I knows every thing such as Forum in front of law faculty table. In Thailand accept Roman style in the Roman style in the RamaV period . I am happy every time to lean world civilization subject, it is my subject.
